We define them as any additional element on a search engine results page that adds something new to the usual format of a search result. As these special results take over Google, do you know how much they help or hinder your competitors? Probably not if you don't have the right data to reach a conclusion. We just updated this data in the Organic Search tool. Now you can see if your competitors are taking advantage of the SERP features they've landed.
Then use that data Costa Rica Phone Number Listto find other growth opportunities. What's new ? We've made many changes to help your site grow. Previously, SERP Feature Gets and Organic Positions were grouped together in one row. Now you can separately evaluate a site's organic rankings and the SERP features it landed. You can follow: obtaining SERP features and estimating traffic brought separately from traditional organic positions; SERP feature trends over time on a daily basis; estimating the traffic a domain receives from SERP features only. img-semblog What SERP features are we tracking now?
We've increased the number of SERP features you can track: from 24 to 38. Below is the full list. A star means this is one of 14 new features you can now track with this update. img-semblog You can see examples of all the SERP features we track on Semrush in our knowledge base. And you'll find new SERP feature data in the following tools: Organic search Overview of the domain Keyword overview Keyword Magic Tool Why is it important to track SERP feature data? It used to be that the first page of Google had 10 blue links and as an SEO specialist you had to find the right.