Even if you only make a small margin on each transaction those pennies add up. Automation continues to get easier and the incentives to continue to automate will only increase. I don t think you can legislate away the use of automation nor do I think you want to. This may mean that tax policy and weath redistribution is the only way to effectively address this. DAVE RICE SABMILLER My college studies in the origins of the US constitution and government started with the philosophers of the enlightenment.
Men like Locke made the case that the fundamental reason for government was to protect property and the individual. Now we are arguing the opposite government must redistribute property in a way that has Chinese Overseas America Number Data popular appeal. Government is there to protect the body politic from individuals with too much wealth as the French would argue. High income individuals are a risk to the state because of the political instability caused by the common man s jealousy of the wealth captured by bankers and CEOs. of the rich and talented to a much worse tyranny of popularism and government intrusion starting with burdensome regulation.
That is the real threat to democracy. When government stops protecting property and starts redistributing and over regulating it the individual loses protection. And something else happens the value creating force of markets become marginalized. Instead government allocates vast amounts of capital in the form of income redistribution or entitlements and for the purposes of staying in power. They fail to achieve a return on investment and the pie starts to shrink. Entitled classes are created and the individual loses incentive to invest in his education the risk of starting a business or the stress of difficult executive leadership roles.