The art of creating value in word of mouth marketing Monitoring opinions about the company and product online in what situations and which tools are worth investing in How to create a companys image in digital with BB customers in mind BB in postpandemic times what event marketing and innovative use of fairs Own events external events fairs and special events how to plan them to get a return on investment
The latest methods of measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of events and fairs Linking events and fairs with other BB marketing and sales tools conversion into leads maintaining contacts with email marketing and social Cell Phone Number List media BB and a new way of planning marketing activities Scenario assessment of our brands market position against the competition BB marketing planning in an extended productmarket matrix
Development of a schedule of implementation activities WORKSHOP EXERCISES Planning Marketing Activities on International BB Markets Workshop work using Excel tools on new ways of planning marketing activities on international BB markets in postpandemic times Bonus for participants BB marketing from an intercultural perspective Final interteam gamification at the end of the workshops combined with obtaining valuable information about foreign customer service strategies .